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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An interview Question (Real) of a Private Bank in Bangladesh.

Q: What’s up? How are you doing?
A: Not bad, little tensed. (With a smart smile)
Q: Tell us something about you.
A: “Thanks. Actually currently I am working in a Call Center. I have been working there for last 1.5 years. Even I have been awarded for becoming the best agent in the whole company. I am very thankful to the company. Before working there I worked in two more companies. And about my educational background, though my result is not very good but I was the quick learner in my school and college. My teachers were very pleased on me …”
Q: What is plastic money?
A: plastic money is the Generic term for all types of bank cards, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, etc.
Q: What is the earning source of a Bank?
A: Fees and Commission, Interest, Consultancy, Investments and others bank related incomes.
Q: What are the differences between debit card and credit card?
A: Debit cards allow bank customers to spend money that they have by drawing on funds that they deposited with the card provider. Credit cards allow consumers to borrow money from the card issuer up to a certain limit in order to purchase items or withdraw cash.
Q: Why we should hire you?
A: I found myself bored with the work and looking for more challenges. I am an excellent employee and I didn't want my unhappiness to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer.
Q: How much would you like to take as salary?
A: I think it would be 50 thousand plus.
Q: Why would we pay you high?
A: I think my experiences and educational background help to do my everyday duties. I also think that my output is very high than paying salary.
Board: OK, Mr.  ....... We will contact with you if you select.
Candidate: Thanks to all.
NB: Lastly the Candidate has got the job and now he is working in ........... Branch, Dhaka.

Ripon Abu Hasnat

Author & Editor

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