As an integral organ of BIBM the Center
for Post Graduate Studies (CPGS) has been established in 1996 with a view to
conferring post-graduate degrees. The Masters in Bank Management (MBM) Program
has been introduced in 1997 with affiliation of the National University. BIBM
has also introduced an Evening MBM (EMBM) Program from July, 2006 with the same
The MBM Program is a professional post-graduate program for bank officers and others who plan career in banking and allied fields. The primary emphasis of the program is to develop skills for management of banks and financial institutions. The program would also be useful for persons who plan career in other organizations dealing with financial and credit activities. The program is geared towards educating the students to make innovative, informed and creative choices and judgment about policy, operation and execution in banks and financial institutions keeping in view the macro-economic environment.
BIBM has published admission circular for
MBM Admission Intake-2015. The details are:
A professional
post-graduate degree in banking and finance.
The duration of
the program is 2 years.
academic atmosphere with a rich library.
Reasonable fees.
recognized by the banks and financial institutions.
for Eligibility
Completion of
minimum 16 years of schooling from any discipline.
At least one
first division/class (CGPA 4 in a 5 point scale or 3.5 in a 4 point scale) and
no third division/class (CGPA below 3 in a 5 point scale or 2.75 in a 4 point
scale) in any certificate/degree examination.
Form along with
a prospectus and a sample test is available everyday EXCEPT public holiday
during 10.00 am – 6.00 pm on payment of Tk. 1000/- at DSBM Office (3rd Floor,
BIBM Academic Building) or can be obtained by mail from the DSBM Office by
sending (i) a pay order/bank draft of Tk. 1000/- drawn in favor of BIBM and
(ii) a 11x8.5 inch sized self addressed envelope with postage with Tk. 50/-
Application form
can be downloaded from the BIBM website at
Starting Date :
September 07, 2014
Last Date of
Submission : November 03, 2014
November 7, 2014
(09.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.)
know More-Contact
Dhaka School of Bank Management (DSBM)
Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management
Plot # 4, Main Road # 1, Mirpur -2,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: 88-02-9003031-5,
9003051-2/Ext.-105, E-mail:
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